Ultra X3 600W & 1,000W PSUs

November 10, 2007 | 13:16

Tags: #1000w #600w #800w #modular #power #psu #quiet #shiny #silent #supply #x3

Companies: #ultra

Like Magpies, we're drawn to shiny things...

The units are incredibly shiny and we're completely in love with the gunmetal finish. Every shiny finish has its drawbacks though and this is no exception - it's likely to pick up scratches and fingerprints better than the cast of CSI, which makes you want to fish out some gloves just to install it.

Of course, unless you've been stuffing your chops with something like chocolate or fried chicken beforehand, the fingerprints are thankfully easy to rub off. The (inevitable) scratches, however, tend to be just as obvious and a little more permanent.

The 600W and 1,000W models differ only slightly - obviously in power, but also in length (19cm versus 15.5cm) and connectors to accommodate the extra capacity in the 1,000W model. They both use the same 13.5cm ten-bladed fan that, like many others, is thermally controlled.

By design, a single large fan in the top is usually quieter but the Ultra X3s have a completely enclosed inner end where the modular connectors reside, meaning that heat can build up in that area since the air has nowhere to escape to. Only the 1,600W model has an extra 80mm fan at the back because it's even longer at 24cm, but it also has wavy grooves cut all along the sides.

Ultra X3 600W & 1,000W PSUs Like Magpies, we're drawn to shiny things Ultra X3 600W & 1,000W PSUs Like Magpies, we're drawn to shiny things
Ultra X3 600W

Like the 600W and 1,000W units, the 800W and 1,600W versions are also very similar and fit in either side to complete the range. If you are going for a super-high powered unit, make sure your case can handle the increased length, and if the PSU is not placed on the floor of your case it should absolutely have a support bracket to take the weight off the four case screws.

Supplied Cables (600W)

  • One 50cm 8-pin all black 12V CPU cable;
  • One 50cm 4-pin all black 12V CPU cable;
  • One 50cm 8-pin all black PCI-Express cable;
  • Two 50cm 6-pin all black PCI-Express cables;
  • One 50cm 24-pin all black ATX cable;
  • Two all black SATA power cables with connectors at 50cm and 65cm;
  • Two all black SATA power cables with a single connector at 50cm;
  • One all black Molex cable with connectors at 50cm and 65cm;
  • Two all black Molex and floppy cables with connectors at 50cm, 65cm and 80cm;
  • One all black Molex cable with connectors at 30cm and 45cm;
  • One all black Molex cable with a single connector at 20cm;
  • One all black fan cable with three 3-pin connectors (although there's no speed sensing wire) at 30cm, 45cm and 60cm;
The 1,000W model has all of the above, plus an extra,
  • pair of 50cm 6-pin PCI-Express cables;
  • One 50cm 8-pin PCI-Express cable;
  • Two SATA power cables with connectors at 50cm and 65cm;
  • One Molex cable with connectors at 30cm, 45cm and 60cm;
Ultra X3 600W & 1,000W PSUs Like Magpies, we're drawn to shiny things Ultra X3 600W & 1,000W PSUs Like Magpies, we're drawn to shiny things
From left to right in the second picture: Ultra X3 600W, 800W, 1,000W, 1,600W

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