Rotary power tools, are the weapon of choice for most modders. It\'s key is versatility. I\'m going to cover the basic components of the tool and techniques for using this gem.
Commonly called a Dremel because the predominant make of this tool is, of course, Dremel. There are other good makers of this great tool such as the Black and Decker RTX model. The principles of usage are the same across the board because they all work pretty much the same but there are some differences. If you are shopping around for one there are some careful considerations to keep in mind. My model is one of the most common, the Dremel MultiPro. I purchased mine as a kit that included: the tool, a nice tool box to keep it in, and various bits. I didn\'t buy mine at a hardware store. I got mine at a nation-wide retail store chain for around $45. If you are looking at kits, it is my experience to be careful not to buy kit that includes a lot of stuffs that you may never use.
In reality, what you are going to be using 95% of the time is: cutting disks (reinforced cutting disks are highly recommended if not insisted on), grinding stones, sanding bits. That\'s it, everything else is gravy. And there is gravy. In addition to my setup, I went back and bought the flex-shaft accessory that I recommend but is by no means a must and a router bit, that is handy but, honestly, I have only used twice. Here are some general guidelines to consider when shopping for your tool:
<ol><li>Variable Speed - Do not compromise on this feature! The perfect RPM\'s for a certain job can be argued but the ability to change speeds is important. Different bits work well on different materials at different speeds. My MultiPro works between 5,000 to 35,000 rpm to give you some frame of reference. The RTX is also a variable speed tool but I have seen inexpensive off-brand versions that are of the on/off variety.</li><li>Dremel Bit Compatibility - You do not have to buy a Dremel tool to use Dremel bits. Some may argue that Dremel tools are the best but you will have a hard time finding someone to argue with if the topic is who makes the best bits. Dremel bits are of a huge variety and available. Most rotary tools will allow you to use Dremel bits but not all of them. Don\'t save money on a tool only to find out you are limited to your bit choices or can\'t find replacements. You will go through bits, it is the nature of the tool. You\'re going to use up anything that cuts/sands at 35,000 rpms.</li><li>Price - Dremel, typically, is the most expensive mainly because of quality but the name has a premium all it\'s own. You and you alone have to work in your budget and the argument could be made that less money spent on the tool could be spent on other mod materials. You\'ll have to develop your own tool/cost ratio. Personally, I tend to invest in quality tools because I expect them to last a long time but there is no sense in spending a lot of money on a tool that you only plan to use 2-3 times.</li></ol>
Enough of my opinions, the picture below pretty much sums up what we are talking about, the modification of material and the accompanying sights and smells... yeah babeh!
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