Hidden & Dangerous 2 Ammo Boxes
Here at bit-tech.net we are often commissioned to make customised PCs for various companies and sometimes we display the finished project here in these hallowed pages. The "Take2 Hidden & Dangerous 2 Ammo Boxes" is one such project completed recently, and this article will detail it from conception to completion.
Take2 commissioned this pair of units to be given away as prizes, one in each of the two biggest gaming mags in the UK, PC Gamer and PC Zone. The units were to represent W.W.II ammo boxes whilst retaining full functionality and be suitable to be used at LANs. The boxes were to be dirtied and scratched as if they were in active service as opposed to being derelict, rusted and abandoned.
This is what we ended up with:
This is how they appeared in the magazines.
Firstly the front cover of the February PC Zone*:

Secondly PC Gamer*, again February 2005:
Let me show you how they were made...
* - PCZone and PCGamer are both trademarks of Future Publishing
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