Project N.V. Caselabs Magnum TH10 Mod by Hans Peder Sahl (p0Pe)
Project log: Here
A number of modders on
bit-tech joined our community when they were quite young and showed off their modding skills. Thankfully many stuck with their hobbies and have gradually ramped up the level of skill and expertise that many of us could only dream of, introducing new materials and techniques along the way. Forum user p0Pe is one of the best examples of this, although even his early projects such as
PC-Beto have been markedly impressive.

click to enlarge
p0Pe's latest project, aptly called N.V. is in some ways an evolution of his Mod of the Year nominated project
M8, with extensive water cooling, customisation and of course featuring a huge
CaseLabs case. However, while M8 sported some very nifty 3D-printed components, N.V. goes back to basics, but does include some sublime custom-made acrylic components for the water-cooling system.
It's an absolutely stunning project of awesome proportions and p0Pe has kindly taken the time to tell us how he made it.
It's over to p0Pe...
Hey there bit-tech readers. My name is Hans Peder Sahl, I live in Denmark and have been case modding ever since I got my first computer at the age of 16. Now, at the age of 25 I got to do what every modder dreams about – build a system without a budget. Only thing to stop me was my creativity and some mild demands. It had to be silent, built in a CaseLabs TH10, and look insanely clean.
Now, people who know me, or have seen my mods know that I have a soft spot in my heart for water cooling, so of course this build would have to have the best of the best of water cooling components.
And in that case, there is room for a LOT of water cooling! The downside of having such a large case is that you have to go mental when choosing your components, since almost anything will look small in a case that would fit a small person. But as said, budget was no problem so the hardware was chosen and ended with.
Main components:
- Case: CaseLabs TH10
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3930K
- Motherboard: Asrock Extreme11
- GPU: 3x EVGA GTX 680 FTW
- Memory: 64 Gb Corsair Dominator GT 1866
- PSU: Corsair AX1200i
- OS Drive: 2x 256 GB Samsung 840 SSD´s in Raid 0
- Storage drive: 2x WD Red 2TB in raid 0
- Soundcard: Asus Xonar Phoebus
- Blue-Ray drive: LG
- Radiators: 3x XSPX RC 480
- Pumps: 4x Aqua Computer D5 pumps with USB and Aquabus interface
- Pump Tops: Aqua Computer D5-pump adapters
- Reservoirs: Full Custom
- Fans: 24 x Corsair
- CPU Waterblock: EK Supreme
- GPU Waterblocks: 3 x EKWB EK-FC680
- Motherboard Waterblocks: MIPS AE11
- RAM: 2 x EKWB EK-RAM Dominator X4 - Nickel CSQ
- Tubing: E22 straight acrylic Tubing
- Fittings: Bitspower Matte Black
- 2 x AquaComputer Aquaero 5 XT
- 3 x AquaComputer Power Adjust USB Ultra
- 2 x AquaComputer flow sensors
The first thing that happened in this build was the massive pileup of parts that suddenly was happening in my small apartment. Anyone who has owned a
CaseLabs case knows the size of these things, and it is just ridiculous. Never the less it was fun to have just a fraction of the parts fill up most of your couch.
To power all the fans and pumps an Aquaero was used (actually two, but only one was places up front with a display in it) along with 3 Poweradjust that allowed me to power up the 20 fans used in the system.
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