Sony decapitates goats to promote God Of War II

Written by Joe Martin

April 30, 2007 | 11:25

Tags: #360 #complaint #console #controversy #daily-mail #dead #elite #goat #god-of-war #nude #official #ps2 #ps3 #rating #topless #wii #women #xxx

Companies: #microsoft #nintendo #sony

Sony, it appears, will do anything to boost sales these days. According to The Daily Mail the company will even go as far as animal sacrifices to promote a title.

The launch party for God of War II reached controversial new lows recently when a decapitated goat was bought on as the party's centrepiece. Guests were then encouraged by topless women to reach in and grab some offal from the still warm corpse as a party snack.

Other attractions at the event included knife throwing and guests being allowed to pull live snakes from a pit, while a Kratos look-a-like handed out garlands to the crowd.

Obviously the event has produced all manner of bad press, with the International Fund for Animal Welfare denouncing the event as an "Outrageous way to sell a few computer games."

A spokesman for the charity went on to say that: "We are always opposed to any senseless killing of an animal and this sounds like a gruesome death. We condemn Sony's actions. It is stupid and completely unjustified."

The event was then covered, with gruesome close-ups, in the Official PlayStation 2 magazine. Complaints have prompted the company to recall over 80,000 copies of the magazine though subscribers will already be getting theirs in the mail.

Sony has admitted that some of the events at the party, which was held in Athens last month, may have been unsuitable.

It looks like things aren't going well for Sony lately, what with Ken Kutaragi, the so-called 'Father of PlayStation' retiring and Game refusing to stock Sony's biggest game for the PS3 to date.

So, is there such a thing as bad publicity? Make your mind up and let us know in the forums!
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