Peter Molyneux reviews Fable 2

Written by Joe Martin

September 3, 2008 | 11:06

Tags: #dishwasher #fable-2 #fable-ii #james-silva #molyneux #peter-molyneux #silva

Companies: #lionhead #microsoft-game-studios

Peter Molyneux is a man with, and we say this with a lot of respect for the creator of Theme Hospital, Dungeon Keeper and Populous, a bit of a reputation for hyperbole. It seems that sometimes that Peter, who has been awarded an OBE for his contibution to the arts, just doesn't know when to stop talking about his games.

That's fine and part of the reason he's so well known in the industry - but taking it as far as to review your own unreleased game is still a little weird if you ask us.

Regardless, Peter Molyneux has gone ahead an done just that for Fable II, the Xbox 360 RPG which is slated for release on October 24.

"Fable II is the best, most complete game I've ever worked on," said Molyneux in an interview with Xbox World 360 where he claims he hasn't made the same mistakes that he did with the first Fable.

"I'd rate it a 9 out of 10," Molyneux added, when asked how he'd review Fable 2 - though we suspect the one-point deduction is mostly for modesty.

Naturally the comment is immediately open to parody and a number of independant game designers have quickly followed suit and taken to reviewing their own games too. columnist and indie developer James Silva for instance has reviewed his soon-to-be-released XBL slasher The Dishwasher.

James of course doesn't have quite the same reputation for hyperbole as Peter Molyneux and so has taken his review in a different direction, scoring the game 1 out of 10 based on the lack of nudity and manskirts.

You can read James' columns where he talks about how he first conceptualised The Dishwasher and secured a publishing deal here, or you can just head straight to the forums if you prefer.
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