AMD 14.1 beta driver adds Mantle and frame pacing support

Written by Edward Chester

February 3, 2014 | 17:24

Tags: #amd-catalyst #amd-driver #battlefield-4 #beta #bf4 #driver #mantle

Companies: #amd

AMD has released the much anticipated AMD Catalyst 14.1 beta driver that brings support for Mantle and "phase 2" frame-pacing technology.

Arriving over the weekend the driver unlocks the much anticipated potential of AMD's graphics API, Mantle, with Battlefield 4 being patched last week in readiness of the release and a demo of new game StarSwarm also ready to take advantage of potential performance gains.

The release also looks to address what has been seen as a failing in AMD's, Crossfire, multi-GPU solutions, which for pre GCN 1.1 hardware currently deliver very inconsistent frame times resulting in noticeable stutter. The new driver aims to fix this by pacing the rate at which frames are delivered to the screen, creating a smoother experience.

Early reports suggest Mantle does indeed deliver a nice little boost in performance, with around 10-15% improvement in Battlefield 4. However, the biggest gains tend to be in more CPU limited scenarios, so it might not be the revolution many were hoping for at the high-end.

We're currently putting both technologies to the test and will be back with a report on how the both fair as soon as possible. In the mean time, let us know your experience so far in the comments.
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