HDMI converter for non-elite 360s?

Written by Joe Martin

June 27, 2007 | 11:40

Tags: #360 #bill-gates #console #converter #elite #hdmi #l33t

Companies: #microsoft

There were two big selling points behind the Xbox 360 Elite. First, the bigger 120GB hard drive. Second, the HDMI compatibility.

Oh, and it's black too.

Early adopters of the 360 Elite may end up regretting jumping on Microsoft's bandwagon so soon though as XCM has announced it has created a cable converter which enables the regular Xbox 360 to successfully use an HDMI output. Suddenly the Elite doesn't look so hot, eh?

XCM says it hopes to have the HDMI converter designs finalised within four weeks and have it enter production immediately after that, meaning the converter could be available within six weeks if everything goes smoothly.

There's no word yet on planned pricing or how the converter works, but a lot of gamers are treating the device with caution and are worried it may end up as a poor analogue-to-digital converter which may not offer a substantial improvement. We're sitting on the fence right now, but we're definitely interested in how the converter may work.

Will XCM's HDMI converter be any good, or is it likely to be a substandard product which is attempting to cash in on the market of disgruntled non-Elite owners? Only time will tell for sure, but in the mean time why not join us in our forums and get some pointless speculation done!
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