Bit-tech survey results

Written by Paul Goodhead

March 20, 2012 | 07:42

Tags: #competition #data #feedback #forums #survey #winners

Companies: #bit-tech

Bit-tech survey results

A couple of weeks ago we asked you what you thought of bit-tech and you guys, as ever, stepped up to the plate to tell us. Over 1,000 of you responded to our questionnaire, meaning we got a really good idea of how bit-tech is perceived by its readership. One of the things we promised you in return for filling out the questionnaire was that we’d share the results with you, so that’s what this article is all about.

There were also prizes up for grabs, which were kindly provided by the chaps over at NZXT. The lucky winner of the grand prize bundle, which comprised of a Switch 810 case, 80plus Gold PSU, fan controller and CPU cooler was George Waldie. He is joined by Barnaby Oakley who won the runner up bundle of a Phantom case, 80plus Bronze PSU and CPU Cooler. Congratulations guys.

Without further ado then, we’ll get on with revealing what you thought of the site.

Bit-tech survey results Bit-tech Survey Results
Click to enlarge

We started off by asking you how you accessed the site. This is interesting to us because it allows us to define how involved with the site you are - you’re likely to be a hardcore bit-techer if it’s your homepage and just an occasional visitor if you only ever visit us via search engines. You’ll see why this is useful later on.

As we expected the vast majority of you (88 per cent) access the site via your favourites bar and drop straight onto the main site. Some of you link straight through to the forums of course - something which is more common among those who’ve got bit-tech set to their home page (26 per cent) than those who visit via their favourites (8 per cent).

Next we asked about who you thought were direct competitors to bit-tech. The graph below shows what you thought and, pleasingly, it’s the big sites like AnandTech and Tom’s Hardware who most of you see us as competing with. We couldn’t put the figures for all the sites here as it made for a ridiculously huge graph, but any that aren’t listed were only identified as competitors by 13 per cent of respondents or less.

Who does bit-tech compete with?

Bit-tech survey, March 2012

  • AnandTech
  • Guru 3D
  • Hard OCP
  • Hexus
  • Overclock3d
  • Techradar
  • Tom's Hardware
  • 51
  • 30
  • 22
  • 32
  • 27
  • 18
  • 63
Percentage of respondents

There were also some interesting answers under the other tab, with many of you highlighting TechPowerUp, The Tech Report and X-Bit Labs as other competitors. We were also interested (and Joe was smug) to see gaming sites RockPaperShotgun and PC Gamer listed by some of you.

From here we went on to ask how you felt we stacked up against the competitors you just identified. Were we at the top of the pack or the worst in the field? This question generated a little too much data to display concisely here, but you can see the important bits in the below graph (or click here to see all the graphs).

Essentially you seem pretty happy with the quality of our hardware and games coverage at the moment, with 85 per cent and 74 per cent of you respectively rating our coverage as either better than average or the best you know of.

Comparing bit-tech to the competition

Bit-tech survey, March 2012

  • Hardware Reviews
  • Game Reviews
  • Modding Content
    • 1.8
    • 4.6
    • 8.5
    • 53.7
    • 31.4
    • 1.2
    • 9.4
    • 15.9
    • 43.3
    • 20.3
    • 0.6
    • 2.3
    • 7.9
    • 35.2
    • 54.1
Percentage of respondents
  • Worst
  • Worse than average
  • Average
  • Better than average
  • Best

We’ve got to take these figures with a pinch of salt of course - you had to be on the site to see the survey, and you were probably here because you liked the content - but these are still positive numbers to see. Maybe unsurprisingly your strongest response was to our modding content, which a massive 54 per cent of you thought was the best on the net.

There are however areas that we can improve in - your response to our news content for example was less positive than other areas, though news coverage is on the up now that we’ve bought Gareth on board. Staff interaction and buying advice too, while generally positive did have room for improvement.
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