Mod of the Year 2020 - In Association with Corsair

Written by Alex Banks

February 10, 2021 | 16:05

Tags: #best-casemod #best-scratch-build #casemod #diy #machining #modding #mod-of-the-year #mod-of-the-year-2020 #moty #scratch-build #watercooling #woodwork

Companies: #corsair

Wow, we finally did it, 2020 is at last in the rear-view mirror. Sadly it doesn't really feel like it yet, but who knows, perhaps this time, things will be different? There is, however, one thing that did remain constant throughout last year, and that was the showcase of absolute talent and ingenuity from our forum members. Not only was it awesome to see so many incredible projects spring up, it was doubly so to witness such a number of new members submitting their projects. The selection ranged from teenagers attempting their ambitious first scratch builds, all the way through to seasoned veterans who've been part of the modding industry for years.

There are some old fogies out there who keep repeating the mantra that modding has changed and is dead, or died long ago, usually when they were last in the spotlight it seems. Has it changed? Absolutely! We've witnessed the mass adoption of home-maker technologies over the last few years, which 3D printing and CNC machining now a firm staple of home hobbyists. This has enabled an incredible breadth of projects, as well as introduced the hobby to so many new faces. As for 'modding is dead', take a look at the following 24 projects and tell that to me with a straight face.

Thank you to everybody who sent in their nominations over the course of December and early January. We've since tallied them all up and assembled the list of who will be competing for the top spots this year. As with past years, there are 12 Case mods and 12 Scratch Builds to choose from. All three titles will be decided by a combination of public votes, both from here and on our discord server (same as with Mod of the Month) along with scores from a judging panel. The judges have been tasked with assessing each project on the following criteria:

  • Craftsmanship - Detail of work and level of execution
  • Aesthetics - Overall appearance of the mod, does it fulfil its desired target?
  • Functionality -  How well the system would work in practice?
  • Innovation and Design - Does the project bring something new to the table?
  • Effort and Completeness - Level of worklog quality, does it show the creation process adequately?

When making your votes, try to consider the same points, it will definitely help when looking through the project logs! Additionally, To help motivate everybody to submit their votes, Corsair will be providing a trio of Dark Core RGB Pro SE Wireless gaming mice, so to be in with a chance of winning one, you simply have to take part. At the end of voting, three winners will be chosen at random from the voters.

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But, of course, there are also a bunch of prizes in store for the winners of each category. Corsair will be providing a whole lot of Hydro X this year to the lucky winners, so let's have a look at what's in store:

We regret that Corsair's worldwide coverage with shipping no longer includes South America or Africa due to continuing issues with shipping to these locations. This is beyond our control, so we sincerely apologise to anyone in these areas, as we'll be unable to honour their prizes for the foreseeable future.

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Overall Mod of the Year

Choice of CPU Block
Choice of GPU Block
XD5 Pump Reservoir Combo
Commander Pro Fan/RGB Controller
£250 Voucher to spend in the Corsair Store

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Case Mod/Scratch Build of the Year:

Choice of CPU Block
Choice of GPU Block
XD5 Pump Reservoir Combo
£150 Voucher to spend in the Corsair Store

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Casemod/Scratch Build of the Year Runner Up

Choice of CPU Block
Choice of GPU Block

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Casemods Category


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BORD3RLANDS MOD by pccustom

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Carbon EK X Edition by AKMod

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CyberPunk 2077 by Toru

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I.S.A.C by The_Crapman

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Interceptor by Y.G Casemod

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Iron Man by Sa mod pc design

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J.A.R.V.I.S by Deblow

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ONDA by ExploreModding

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Thermaltake's 20th Anniversary by Douglas Alves

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Tweaked Meshify S2 by TerHorstCustoms

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Scratch Builds Category

An Actual Toaster by Flux

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Beautiful Oak by Mads Alexander

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Da Module Thingy by Jean R built

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iPredator Powder by BHB Mods

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Nintendo Entertainment System PC by -EVA-

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Red Dead Journey by piXelit!

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ROG Pagoda Mod by jones-965

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Spirit of Motion by MaximumBubbleMods

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Sputnik by S.PiC

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The Crippled God by Lowfat

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Tubeless Build by Nhenhophach

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Wooden Box by OstrovakCZ

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Posted by Jean R built - Wed Feb 10 2021 16:56

Yeahrrr!!! Thanks everyone :thumb:, let's see how it goes :grin:


Posted by TerHorstCustoms - Wed Feb 10 2021 17:16

Thank you all for the nomination! All these mods are epic :clap: Enjoy voting :thumb:

Posted by jones-965 - Wed Feb 10 2021 17:19

Thanks for the nomination! :) Good luck to everyone!

Posted by The_Crapman - Wed Feb 10 2021 17:30

I feel like I'm only here because I nominated myself, but i can't say for sure I'll be voting for myself :hehe:

Good luck everyone :thumb:
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