Project Logs update 5

Written by Wil Harris

September 25, 2006 | 16:03

Tags: #cooler #custom #log #master #project #projector #stacker #update #widescreen #xpc

Companies: #shuttle

Coolermaster Stacker

Created by: Snakez and Ediejo
Worklog Link

The modding community is well known for its sense of, well, community. Those without much experience do their best and those with more experience help out where possible - in turn, as the young padawans progress to becoming true modding Jedi, they may find that the master becomes the apprentice and the modding circle becomes complete. We always like to see experienced modders helping out newer ones, so this collaboration between Snakez and veteran Ediejo (of Extreme Lian Li fame) was particularly interesting to us.

Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker
Snakez is starting out with a Coolermaster Stacker, one of the most popular cases around at the moment and for good reason - it's flexible, looks sweet and is pretty tough. However, not happy with the colour, he's chosen a new colour scheme - blue and green. The parts have been broken down and spray painted, then sprayed again with varnish for a layer of protection and gloss.

Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker
The system will be watercooled, and having a nice radiator mount is crucial. The rad is going to sit in the top of the case, and this requires a nice fan grille over the top. Not content with a brushed metal grille, Ediejo is going to town on some green plexi to create a more powerful accent.

Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker
As you can see, the final thing has a really neat effect.

Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker Project Logs update 5 Coolermaster Stacker
Why not do the same to the front, too? Here you can see our modders getting their hands dirty with a manual file to tidy up the edges of the cut. Cutting and shaping plexi like this is often a case of using a mix of manual and power tools to get the desired finish - sometimes machines can't quite inject the love needed to give the finishing touches!

The worklog is still in its infancy, but is coming along well. Ediejo says that the colour scheme is gaudy but good: "It was for me also a little shock, the green and blue color combination. But on the case it looks pretty good in my eyes. Maybe the combination green and blue is not as bad as people think about it." We think it looks pretty sweet, and will certainly make the case stand out from the legions of silver and black cases out there. If you want to track the progress of the mod, check out the worklog.
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