PWM Fan controller

Written by Dave Williams

December 3, 2001 | 00:00

Tags: #circuit #fan #fan-controller #macroman #pcb #pwm

Building the circuit.

PWM Fan controller Building the circuit
Here is an example of the built circuit on a small piece of stripboard. The 2p coin gives an indication of size. I have not included the diode D1 in this example.

PWM Fan controller Building the circuit
Side view.

PWM Fan controller Building the circuit
General layout of components.

PWM Fan controller Building the circuit
Under side of the board showing the breaks in the stripboard tracks. Note the use of solder bridges to link leads on IC1.

PWM Fan controller Building the circuit
Underside of the board showing component locations.

Component List: figures in brackets are Rapid Electronics stock codes.
IC1 = MIC502BN (82-4026)
T1 = TIP122 (81-0172)
D1 = 1N4001 (47-3420)
R1 = 10K (62-2146)
R2 = 15K (62-2154)
R4 = 270R (62-2070)
VR1 = 10K Linear (65-0715)
VR2 = 47K Linear (65-0725)
Thermistor = (61-0515)
C1 = 0.1uF (10-3220)
C2 = 220uF 25V (11-0265)
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