1up reviews the best console launches... ever!

Written by Wil Harris

November 14, 2005 | 10:06

Tags: #1up #360 #console #dreamcast #launch

The chaps over at 1up.com have produced a great retrospective on the big console launches of the last couple of decades. Starting with the NES and finishing with the PSP, it's a great reminder of some of the finest moments in gaming.

On the Sega Dreamcast:

"Let it never be said that Sega never learned from its mistakes. The Dreamcast launch was the antithesis of the Saturn's debut: Carefully planned, heavily promoted, featuring gobs of innovation (online gameplay!) and sporting an amazing library, the Dreamcast launch was a huge success. Unfortunately, many other factors were at work, preventing this excellent system from achieving the success it deserved. But none of that changes the fact that 9/9/99 was a great day for gaming."

And on the original NES:

"The retail world was scared to death of video games in 1985, but all the better for Nintendo: Customers were eager for new, quality home games. And the NES delivered. The software was mostly dated (Ice Climber) or gimmicky (Gyromite), but Duck Hunt made the Zapper worth owning. And Super Mario Bros. was breathtaking -- the game that made an NES owner the luckiest kid on the block."

They go on to suggest that, despite being initially warey of the 360, Microsoft's new baby is looking like having a pretty decent launch. After our play of the console at the weekend, we'd suggest the same, especially if Gotham 3 makes it out.

Go and check out the article, and let us know what your thoughts are over in the News Forum.
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