Browse Xbox Live online

Written by Wil Harris

October 13, 2006 | 15:53

Tags: #360 #live #marketplace #online #pipeline

Companies: #microsoft

Microsoft has launched the Xbox Live Pipeline, a service which allows you to browse the Marketplace in your PC web browser.

You can check it out here.

It has the full list of downloads available, enabling you to check what is out for the 360 whilst you're away from your Xbox - no doubt then encouraging hours of salivating when you spot something you want but can't play it until you get home.

It also acts as a rather good advertisement for the breadth of content on Live to those who don't yet own a 360.

We also suspect that, in the future, you'll be able to use 'Live Anywhere' functionality to queue up downloads on the web for your Xbox at home.

On a related note, Xbox Live will be down on the 17th of October for 24 hours - apparently to introduce some cool new stuff.

Go and check out the flash website, which is designed with a similar interface to the 360, then let us know your thoughts on the result over in the forums.
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