First Call of Duty 3 details

Written by Wil Harris

July 5, 2006 | 15:49

Tags: #3 #call-of-duty #preview

Companies: #infinity-ward #treyarch

The first details of the shoot-tastic Call of Duty 3 have hit the web, with 1up the first to scoop it.

The trailer looks pretty sweet, and the initial screens aren't bad either. However, in terms of graphics technology it doesn't look like a massive leap over Call of Duty 2 (although that was pretty neat to start with).

Treyarch is the new developer, with duties being handed over from Infinity Ward, who worked on the previous two. Despite the change in dev, don't expect much of a change in gameplay, with stunning set pieces and story driven gameplay still the stalwart of the series.

However, there are some changes in terms of AI, which is expected to be better, and character development, which was a little hollow in the previous title. There will be a little gameplay variation, with more on rails and vehicular sections.

The game will be out for all the new formats - PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PSP. Check out the preview, then let us know your thoughts over in the forums.
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