New Crysis video released!

Written by Brett Thomas

October 27, 2006 | 07:47

Tags: #crysis #gameplay #video

We throw around the term "next-gen" so often when we discuss video games lately. It's true, the markets for both consoles and PCs are truly evolving to their next technological plateau...but sometimes, it's nice to just sit back and marvel at what's coming up. So for those of you who are burned out on Gears of War news and Unreal 3 screenshots, we humbly present the new Crysis movie.

For your drooling pleasure.

The video itself is 73MB (compressed) of high-res beautiful effects and in-game action. We highly recommend trying mirror 1 first, if you can stomach the FileFront connection. If not, mirror 2 is directly from InCrysis...but it's always nice to not beat up on their bandwidth if you can avoid it.

If you're looking forward to the game in the slightest, it's definitely worth a view. About the only thing you'll be looking for afterwards is a release date and how much it will cost to have a system that can run it in all of its DirectX 10 splendor...

Once you've taken a look, drop into our forums and tell us your thoughts.
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