EA making Dante's Inferno: The Game

Written by Joe Martin

November 3, 2008 | 10:11

Tags: #dantes-inferno #film #goovie #movie

Companies: #ea #electronic-arts

Electronic Arts has announced that it has bought the rights to make a game based on Dante's Inferno - the most well-known of the books in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. What's more than that, Electronic Arts also owns the rights to a film and TV adaptation.

Inferno is one of three canticas (long poems) written by Dante as part of a tour of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory and it details his tour through the circles of Hell, as guided by the Roman poet Virgil. In Dante's vision Hell is divided into nine circles, each focused on a particular sin and punishment.

EA's game however is set to be a modern interpretation of the work and will detail Dante's "fight through the depths of hell".

So, one of the most epic and important works of the Italian language is to be re-imagined as a gory shooter? Great.

EA trademarked the rights to Dante's Inferno back in February for use as a game, film and TV mini-series; so at least we can look forward to seeing a lot of it.

Universal Pictures and Sony have apparently taken on the rights to make a film version of the game too, after paying a seven figure sum for the rights to a game which hasn't even been properly announced yet.

The game is supposed to be out next year too, but with EA keeping quiet on this one there's no confirmation of platforms or genre just yet, so feel free to speculate in the forums.
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