Gears of War sells 1m copies, gets trilogy

Written by Wil Harris

November 22, 2006 | 12:52

Tags: #gears-of-war #trilogy

Companies: #microsoft

Gears of War looks set to get at least two further sequels, according to a Microsoft spokesman.

Explaining the latest advertising campaign for the game, a Microsoftie let slip: "The goal of this ad is to establish Marcus Fenix as the hero of the Gears of War trilogy."

Whilst there's no official confirmation, the open end to the game leaves the door open for a sequel - we would expect that the sequel itself could even have a cliffhanger ending a la Halo 2.

The game itself has done tremendously well, surpassing the 1m copies sold mark yesterday, making it a resounding hit with the gaming public. The game is also the most played game on Xbox Live at the moment, beating the age-old favourite Halo 2. Multiplayer games have become so popular that paid subscription rates for Xbox Live have jumped 50% in the last week, off the back of the 2-day free trial included in the box.

In related news, the Xbox 360 games to consoles ratio has risen to just over 5:1. This has split analysts: either things are good for Microsoft because gamers are buying loads of games and Xboxes, or things are bad for Microsoft because early console buyers are continuing to buy games but not too many new consoles are being sold. These are two, equally valid way of looking at the numbers, but we shall have to see how Microsoft spins them.

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