Almost as a response to Sony cancelling development on PlayStation 3 games
Eight Days and
The Getaway PS3, Microsoft has pledged that it will never cancel any game it announces.
The comments came from Business Development Manager Peter Zetterberg as part of an interview with in which Zetterberg admitted that although some games are announced too early, Microsoft will never cancel any game it announces.
Maybe we sometimes announce [games] earlier than we should, but we stick with them, we have our resources team work with them as much as we can," said Zetterberg.
Zetterberg said he sees around 600 game concepts pitched to him every year, ranging from ideas scrawled on napkins to full video presentations. Of those presentations, only about 30 go beyond that stage and into discussion. That 30 is then narrowed to 5 games that might get greenlighted.
There's a reason why Microsoft hasn't been that successful in the past on the continent, because they sit in Redmond and it's hard to understand how to make 15 games for a smaller European market," Zetterberg said.
We've always moved on a global basis and this means that sometimes we have missed out on the smaller things. If you look at World of Goo or Crayon Physics, these can be easily overlooked by a large corporation that thinks global."
Can you think of a recently cancelled Microsoft game? Have you ever had an idea for a game yourself? Let us know in
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