id Software: Doom 4 is not a sequel

Written by Joe Martin

April 14, 2009 | 11:35

Tags: #doom #doom-3 #doom-4

Companies: #id-software

id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead has confirmed that Doom 4 will definitely not be a reboot of the Doom franchise - but nor will it be a sequel to previous Doom games.

"Doom 3 was sort of a reboot," Hollenshead said in an interview with GameSpot.

"It's a little bit different than those, and if I told you why, I would get my ass kicked when I got back. So I'll just have to leave it at that," he added cannily.

id Software has admitted that it's still very much in the early stages of development for Doom 4 and hasn't even finished hiring for the project just year, though the team is confident that fans will approve of the new direction.

"It's very much deep in development. But everything I've seen on it is classic Doom, so I don't really have worries that people aren't going to like it and start talking about it," he said.

Doom 4 is just one of several titles that id Software is currently working on - the others including Rage, Quake Live and some unnamed iPhone games. Which are you most excited about? Give us your thoughts in the forums.
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