New Left 4 Dead DLC coming soon

Written by Joe Martin

July 3, 2009 | 14:41

Tags: #demo #left-4-dead-2

Companies: #valve

Valve has promised gamers angered by the too-soon unveiling of Left 4 Dead 2 that it will continue to support the original game for a long time to come - starting with a new bunch of downloadable content that will be with gamers in the near future and which should be unveiled later this summer.

Speaking to CVG at a Left 4 Dead 2 press event in London yesterday, Valve's Doug Lombardi confirmed that the new pack of content will be unveiled by the end of the Summer and that it'll be out a good long while before Left 4 Dead 2. Lombardi wouldn't comment on what exactly it might be though.

Responding to questions about the fan reaction to the sequel, Lombardi claimed that although he understood the feelings of fans who thought that it was too soon for a sequel Valve did know what it was doing with the series. It'll all make sense after the event, promised Lombardi, who indicated that Valve had a long-term plan for the franchise.

Talking about the next game in the series, Lombardi also took a moment to confirm that Left 4 Dead 2 will be getting a demo before release and that Steam users should expect it to arrive in November. There wasn't any mention about whether it'll be a public demo or a private one for pre-order customers or those who already own Left 4 Dead 1 though.

We had our own chat with Valve's Chet Faliszek at the event yesterday and he assured us that there's still a lot more info to be unveiled about Left 4 Dead 2 in the coming months, including new special infected and campaign details. Keep an eye out for our interview with Chet and our thoughts on the latest build of Left 4 Dead 2 in the next few days.

Are you looking forward to Left 4 Dead 2, or are you a member of the on-going boycott? Let us know your thoughts in the forums.
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