Bizarre Creations, developers of the forthcoming Project Gotham Racing 3 for Xbox 360, have hit back at accusations of faked screenshots, following last week's Studio Update. After the posting of an incredibly detailed screenshot of buildings from the game's New York level, some people believed it was so realistic as to accuse Bizarre of posting an actual photograph.

To the amazement of some, the screenshot in question was indeed an in-game capture, as proven by the wireframe model released in this week's Studio Update. "This is how PGR3's artwork looks right now. On actual 360 hardware."

To futher silence critics, who might suggest last week's screenshot was a one-off, the web team posted a new screenshot of a different building containing even more detail. (right)

"Yes, it is possible to get all areas of the game that need it up to this level of detail - that’s what you get for 2 years work with up to 35 artists here at Bizarre, plus additional help from outsourcing companies!"

You can check out high resolution versions of the original in-game and wireframe screenshots on the Bizarre site, but to cement the point, we have created these two composites showing the in-game detail with the underlying polygons:

If you needed further proof of the new graphical heights possible with Xbox 360, HD rendering and the lads at Bizarre Creations, three new screenshots were released last week following an appearance on the cable channel, MotorsTV. These are 100% in-game and are not pre-rendered, and are proof indeed that the trackside building detail lives up to the claims.

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