PS3: No orcs allowed!

Written by Joe Martin

June 6, 2007 | 11:51

Tags: #ban #cosplay #home #kotaku #life #mutants #online #orcs #ps3 #scea #second #virtual

Companies: #sony

The PS3 online virtual community, called Home, has often been compared to a console version of Second Life but Sony is clear that it wants to take it in a different direction to the oddity-filled PC game.

Peter Edwards, the executive producer for Home, spoke recently to the Official PlayStation Magazine about what will and won't be allowed in the PS3's virtual hub.

He focuses mainly on the issue of player avatars, clearly saying that having crazy, non-human avatars is "Not the Home ethic".

"If everyone's walking around dressed as orcs or stormtroopers or whatever, then you lose that welcoming, accessible element that means Mum, Dad and your sister might get involved as well. The idea is to keep it as accessible, mainstream and friendly as possible."

So, no cosplay and no gargantuan death machines for the PS3 then, it's strictly a jeans and t-shirt situation apparently.

It's hard to know how we feel about this. On the one hand there's little point in having an online community that can't fully express itself on an individual scale, but on the other hand maybe too many naked, blue-skinned gorrilas running around really do spoil things in the end.

It'll be interesting to see where exactly Sony draws the line about what is and isn't outlandish and how the community will be moderated to ensure it stays in accordance to the rules. We're of the opinion though that it'll be the attitude displayed by the community that may end up scaring mums and dads away - not the fact that somebody has decided to dress up as a goblin from Lord of The Rings for the afternoon.

Have you tried Home out at all and if so what did you think? How do you feel about censorship and moderation in virtual communities? Let us know in the usual place.
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