PSP version 2?

Written by Wil Harris

February 27, 2006 | 16:39

Tags: #color #colour #flash #nand #new #psp #rev-2 #update #version-2 #video-camera

Companies: #sony

Rumours are flying around (in the way that only rumours can do) that there is soon to be a second iteration of the PSP.

The current console has been on release in Japan for over a year now, and the rest of the world for rather a shorter time. Speculation is mounting that the console could be in for a redesign, much as Nintendo are wont to do every so often (cf DS Lite).

PSP World is suggesting that features added to the new PSP will be a video camera and flash memory. The video camera will allow users to video chat with each other over WiFi as part of the new Sony service to rival Xbox Live, provisionally being labelled 'Hub'. The flash memory could give a built-in capacity of 4GB to the PSP, allowing for mass downloading of music and movies out of the box.

The PSP was hoped to rival the iPod as a video and music player, but constantly changing firmware versions and the lack of decent official conversion software (as well as the stupid prices of UMD movies) have meant that multimedia use of the device has been slow to pick up.

The delay of the PS3 has also pushed promised interaction between the two consoles further out in to the year, with few details about the big-brother console confirmed aside from some of the tech specs.

Would you really use the PSP to video chat with your mates? Are you that bothered about watcing video on your portable gaming device? Let us know your thoughts on the PSP over in the forums. Will rev 2 encourage you to pick one up?
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