Valve: Left4Dead demo coming to PC and 360

Written by Joe Martin

September 11, 2008 | 11:45

Tags: #chet-faliszek #co-op #gabe #left-4-dead #left4dead #left4dead-demo

Companies: #valve

Valve's Gabe Newell has confirmed that a single and multiplayer demo for co-op zombie shooter Left4Dead is on the way for both the Xbox 360 and PC.

The bad news though is that Gabe has absolutely no idea when the demo will be available.

"I don't know what the date is for release [of the demo] though. I think it's going to contain the first part of one of the campaigns. I think it'll probably be Hospital but I'm not sure," said Gabe in an interview with Videogamer.

Currently, with Left4Dead lined up for a release in late November, the sensible money is on a demo hitting Steam at the start of November - though there's no way to be sure as Valve tend to be a little bit unpredictable with things like this.

Left4Dead is Valve's latest project and has a strong focus on teamplay, with four players teaming up to survive a zombie apocalypse. Central to the action though is the new AI Director technology which monitors how players behave and customises the flow and position of zombies, as well as the difficulty of the game, to keep players in a gaming sweet spot.

We had a go with Left4Dead not long ago and were thoroughly impressed with...well, everything! You can check out our thoughts in our hands-on Left3Dead preview, or you can check out our interview with writer Chet Faliszek.

Are you planning on picking up a copy of Left4Dead? Let us know that, and your zombie survival plan in the forums.
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