Xbox 360 - price cut, HD-DVD drive at E3?

Written by Wil Harris

April 21, 2006 | 11:36

Tags: #360 #core #gears-of-war #halo-3 #hd-dvd-drive #premium #price-cut

Companies: #e3 #microsoft #sega

Rumours are flying around the net about what Microsoft will announce at its E3 press conference in just a couple of weeks time. Pre-E3 rumours are always overblown, but it will be interesting to see what turns out to be true.

First up: The 360 will get a price cut come October, just before the PlayStation 3 hits the shelves. The Premium system, currently at $399, will get a $100 price drop down to $299. The Core system, which comes in at $299, will get $80 knocked off the price and will then be at $219. Compared to the anticipated retail price of the PS3, which is around $499, these look like pretty good prices.

Second: A HD-DVD add-on drive for the system will be announced at E3 and will cost $100. This was announced back at CES, but has been a long time coming. With the first stand-alone players hitting the shelves this week, the 360 version doesn't seem far off.

Third: Halo 3 will arrive in March, with footage to be shown at the show. Gears of War to arrive in October.

Fourth: A virtual console that will allow you to place old-skool Sega games to arrive soon.

There's a few more items on the list that are posted over at Beyond3D.

Seems like the console wars are hotting up. We're going to be out in Los Angeles covering the top happenings from E3, so stay tuned to bit-tech for the latest news. In the meantime, let us know what you think of these rumours over in the forums.
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