IE7 screenshots showcase RSS

Written by Wil Harris

June 27, 2005 | 07:11

Tags: #firefox #ie7 #internet-explorer #internet-explorer-7 #rss #safari

There are some new shots of the forthcoming Internet Explorer 7 on the net today.

IE7 is due to ship with Longhorn - although Microsoft has previously hinted that it might see the light of day for XP this year, too. IE7 is due to go into beta this summer, but could see a release soon after.

The latest version of the browser is designed to heavily integrate with RSS news feeds, utilising a browser-based RSS reader that looks rather similar to the one in the OSX browser, Safari. Incredibly similar, in fact. If it ain't broke, don't fix it?

(Plug: bit-tech's RSS feeds are here!)

IE7 also appears to add a search box in the title bar and tabbed browsing. About time!

You can find the images over at Neowin.

Convinced that IE7 is going to suck? FireFox all the way? Or does everything pale in comparison to uber-browser Safari? Let us know your thoughts!
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