Does Apple have a new MacBook coming?

Written by Brett Thomas

May 14, 2007 | 11:11

Tags: #macbook #macbook-pro #pro #santa-rosa

It was only in Quarter 4 of 2006 that Apple remade its consumer MacBook product, upping the specs considerably. The switch-over wasn't unexpected - the company was phasing out its old Core Solo notebooks and replacing them with the rather shiny Core 2 Duo notebooks like I'm typing on right now. Of course, only six months later, it appears even this one is obsolete - rumours are a-flyin' that the sleek white and black 13" MacBooks may soon be getting an upgrade.

The MacBook Pro line will also be getting a rather expected refresh, migrating it to Intel's new Santa Rosa platform (which should actually have some significant improvements for it). The switch to an 800MHz FSB will be a much needed change, as will the 4GB memory limit (current Pro models can only support 3GB). What will really make the device shine, though, is the new LED backlighting display technology. The switch from cathodes will produce a much lower-power, lighter notebook and may make the 15" MacBook Pro something to travel with again.

According to the guys over at ThinkSecret, stock on hand for the 13" MacBook models is running dry, and Apple is not shipping any more. Of course, with the release of Santa Rosa, an update was expected - but the rumours mention that may not be what it's about. In fact, they don't say much at all on it aside from "something is happening," and it's not Santa Rosa or the LED displays.

Also in the rumour mill is Apple's plans for a light sub-notebook, which is expected in late 2007. Very little is known about the device except that it will be a 13" LED backlit screen, have no optical drive, and make use of NAND flash memory for improved boot and load times. Unfortunately, there is no information on what types of chipset and graphics the sub-notebook will use, though rumours have been pointing to using another discreet ATI solution. If so, this could be the travel notebook to beat once it's released.

Do you have a thought on the impending product updates? Any guess as to what Jobs and co. are doing with the 13" MacBook? Tell us about your thoughts in our forums.
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