Vista Service Pack 2 released to manufacturers

Written by Ben Hardwidge

April 29, 2009 | 14:01

Tags: #2 #bluetooth #brandon #date #hardware #leblanc #nano #pack #release #service #sp2 #vista #windows

Companies: #blu-ray #microsoft #via

A few months after Microsoft released the Windows Vista Service Pack 2 BETA to the public late last year, the titan of the software business has now announced that it’s closed the BETA in preparation for the real deal. According to Microsoft, the new service pack was released to PC manufacturers yesterday, and will be available to Joe Public later in this quarter (April – June 2009).

As well as including a bundle of all the updates that have been released since Vista Service Pack 1, the new service pack will also include support for new types of hardware, including the ID and vendor strings for VIA’s 64-bit Nano CPU. Among the service pack’s new features are support for Bluetooth 2.1 and the ability to write to Blu-Ray discs natively in the OS. However, it looks as though Blu-Ray movie playback will still have to come via a third-party app.

The service pack also promises to improve Wi-Fi performance, most notably when it comes to resuming your PC from Sleep mode, and Windows Connect Now will be available to simplify Wi-Fi configuration. Meanwhile, Windows Search 4.0 pledges to help give you “faster and improved relevancy in searches.” Finally, Vista Service Pack 2 will also enable the exFAT file system, which Microsoft says will “support UTC timestamps, which allows correct file synchronisation across time zones.”

On the Windows Team Blog, Microsoft’s Brandon LeBlanc said that the new service pack would come in a single installer along with Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, which he said will make the new service pack “easy for IT Pros to manage, deploy, and support.”

Are you using Windows Vista, and what would you like to see in a future service pack? Let us know your thoughts in the forums.
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Posted by perplekks45 - Wed Apr 29 2009 13:36

A single installer for BOTH Vista and Server 2008? Does that mean I have to download everything instead of an incremental update?
Me no likey.

Other than that... meh. I got pissed off recently when Vista tried to tell me IE 8.0 was a required update. Yeah, right...
And I'm quite happy with Vista SP1 for now. No need for exFAT, WS 4.0 or WCN. Maybe at the end of the year, but then again, I might build something new around i5 then and if so it'll definitely based on 7.

Posted by Laitainion - Wed Apr 29 2009 13:46

A single installer for BOTH Vista and Server 2008? Does that mean I have to download everything instead of an incremental update?
Me no likey.
I strongly suspect not, Microsoft has always made service packs that include previous service packs. If you have SP1 + many updates already installed, Windows Update will simply dl and install what it needs to get you to a full Vista/Server 2008 SP2 install. I don't think it even means the network install package will be stupidly big, since Vista and Server 2008 are (I believe) essentially identical.

It's not like it was with XP/Server 2003 which were actually different Windows versions (XP was NT 5.1, Server 2003 5.2 and so on) thus requiring a different update schedule and so on.

Posted by perplekks45 - Wed Apr 29 2009 13:49

Hm... you might be right. Still I won't give it a try anytime soon. :)

Posted by Star*Dagger - Wed Apr 29 2009 14:00

I think FireFox is the required update as far as browsers go.
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