OCZ boosts Octane speeds with new firmware

January 25, 2012 | 10:41

Tags: #firmware #iops #octane #ssd

Companies: #ocz

OCZ has announced a new firmware for its Octane range of solid-state drives that offers a little something extra: up to double the IOPS performance on selected models.

IOPS - Input/Output Operations Per Second - is a common method of measuring raw storage performance, and while it doesn't necessarily relate to real-world data throughput it's a given that more is better. Thankfully for Octane owners, that's exactly what the latest firmware offers.

According to OCZ's own figures, the improvement varies from model to model but is worth having nevertheless: the 128GB Octane goes from 7,700 random 4K write IOPS under the previous firmware to a healthy 18,000; the 256GB Octane jumps from 12,000 IOPS to 25,000; and the 512GB manages a respectable leap from 16,000 IOPS to 26,000.

Before you run to download the update, which takes the drives from version 1.12 to 1.13, a word of warning: the firmware update is a destructive process, entirely wiping the contents of the drive in the process. As a result, make sure you have an up-to-date backup before grabbing your free speed boost.

Additionally, you'll need the MSAHCI drivers installed to complete the upgrade process, the SSD must be set as a secondary drive, and - sadly - if you're running an Intel X79 chipset you'll have to find another system to flash the SSD on, as it's not yet supported by OCZ's Toolbox software.

With all that in mind, and if you're still hankering for your IOPS boost, head over to the OCZ Octane page to download the upgrade.

Are you pleased that OCZ is improving its products for existing customers rather than just developing new - and expensive - models, or wondering exactly why it's necessary to wipe the entire drive just to upgrade the firmware? Share your thoughts over in the forums.
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