Toshiba to use AMD laptop chip

Written by Brett Thomas

May 29, 2007 | 21:16

Tags: #core-2-duo #cpu #laptop

Companies: #amd #intel #toshiba

When two companies break up, does one have to give the ring back? That is the question on many of our minds today, as Toshiba announced its first AMD powered laptop. It seems like the monogamous relationship between the Big T and Intel is over.

Don't get us wrong - the new laptop isn't about to go win any massive power awards. It's an entry-level unit according to the press release, but the details are still unknown. Toshiba has hinted that we might be hearing about it soon from both the US and EU divisions, though.

What's more interesting than the specs of the laptop is what the specs won't include - an Intel Core 2 Duo processor. In fact, this will be the first Toshiba laptop to not include an Intel processor since 2001. Toshiba was one of the companies mentioned in AMD's lawsuit against Intel for monopolistic practices - according to the chip-maker, Intel offered a rather large "cash incentive" to Toshiba to keep its computers exclusively Intel Inside.

Toshiba is the number four laptop producer in the world, so this signals a rather momentous shift in the market at an interesting time. Intel's recently released Santa Rosa platform may hold the high ground for now, but AMD is looking towards the high-end laptop segment itself with its Puma platform, due out in mid-2008. And with such large laptop makers now entertaining the use of AMD chips again, that might just be one cat to look out for.

Have you got a thought on the break-up? How about Toshiba's new significant other? Tell us about it in our forums.
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