UPDATE: First X1800XL's available in the UK now!

Written by Tim Smalley

October 13, 2005 | 12:43

Tags: #availability #catalyst #kustom #kustompc #kustom-pcs #kustompcs #radeon #x1800xl #x1800xt

Companies: #ati #club-3d #overclockers #uk

We have just learned that both KustomPCs and Tekheads are expecting the first UK stock of Radeon X1800XL's later today. We understand that there will be limited quantities coming from Club-3D, whilst other board partners don't look likely to have stock for sale until tomorrow at the earliest.

Unfortunately, we can't give you accurate numbers of stock, as there isn't much of an indication of the quantity available, other than that stock will be limited.

It seems that the best deal at the moment is at KustomPCs - they're selling the Club-3D X1800XL for £316 including VAT, while Tekheads have priced the same card at £323.13 including VAT*.

This comes as a surprise to us, because we were expecting Overclockers UK to be the first store in the UK to have the cards available. They've been listing the cards on pre-order, with availability commencing from the 11th. Today, we noticed that their expected shipping date has changed to the 14th.

In slightly related availability news, a posting by the owner of KustomPCs, suggests that ATI's flagship Radeon X1800XT will be available in the UK towards the middle of next month. However, according to the Radeon X1800 series product page, OcUK are not expecting to ship Radeon X1800XT's until the end of November.

Are you going to head out and buy one, or wait for the bit-tech review, coming tomorrow, before making your decision? Let us know in the forums.

* Note: The prices are correct at the time of publishing and are subject to change.

Update 9:50AM:

It looks like Tekheads are the first to have stock. They now have TWO in stock, get them while you can.

Update 12:45PM:

KustomPCs are now listing "Stock In Hand", there's no clue on how many they have though. Thanks to r00t69 for the heads up.
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