Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce

Written by Dave Alcock

May 17, 2017 | 17:24

Tags: #iron-man #meet-the-modder

Companies: #bit-tech

Having a Look Around the Workshop(s)

Let's have a quick nosey around Rob's house and see what goodies we can find! His workshop is basically a shed, but it has all of the equipment Rob needs to mod. You don't need a huge amount, and Rob started with very basic tools and has worked his way up to what he has today. Anyone can mod; you don't need a full workshop, just ideas.

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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His workshop is very similar to my house: organised chaos. Everything is everywhere, but you know exactly where it is. If something isn't in the correct place, you can be looking for weeks. He bought a large saw bench for his desk creations, which enables him to get straight, clean cuts. His first desk was made using a jigsaw, though!

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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As with pretty much every modder, a Dremel is always a short reach away. It's also nice to see some safety equipment hanging up. You only have one set of eyes, make sure you protect them!

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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Although Rob uses his airbrush equipment a lot, he also has plenty of the good old fashioned brushes! He uses these for his artwork. Oh yeah, as well as everything else, Rob is a talented painter!

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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Tools and equipment are mounted on every surface; I need to do this. I just have all my tools in toolboxes and drawers and such, and they are hard to access. This makes everything so much easier.

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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Paint also has a nice corner of the shed to itself, and there is enough here to do pretty much anything you like.

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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If we move on inside to his workshop, there are figures everywhere. They are awesome! I really want to buy some of these. If only I had the spare cash! As you can see, he likes a range of shows.

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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Did you know that Stark Industries uses Cooler Master products? It does in Rob's house. I told you Rob was a pretty awesome painter - this is just one of many original works he has done.

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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The main attraction has to be the desk though. This thing is a beaut'.

Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s) Meet the Modder: Rob 'Megadeblow' Deluce Having a Look Around the Man Cave(s)
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Rob kindly provided me with these nice images so that you can check out some of the details.

If you would like to see all the build logs that Rob has created on our very own forums, check these out:
That is it! I hope you have enjoyed meeting Rob. I really enjoyed my trip to see him and finding out how he lives and mods. I must thank him and his wonderful family for letting me spend the night and for feeding/watering me. His little boy is awesome and even his poorly little girl made sure she wore a smile when she could. Oh, and his wife has the patience of a saint; it must be like looking after three kids with Rob! Thanks guys!

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