Sans Digital 1U 4-Bay NAS Rackmounts EN104L+XE / EN104L+BXE w/ Xeon CPU

August 6, 2009 | 13:10

Companies: #sans-digital

City of Industry, CA – August 05, 2009 – Sans Digital, a leading provider of high performance storage subsystems, is incorporating Intel Xeon CPU into its existing EliteNAS network attached storage series, increasing the performance by an additional 20% in comparison to the original EN104L+ / EN104L+B. The newly designed 1U 4-bay EN104L+XE / EN104L+BXE allows faster data transfer, resulting in a high-speed consolidated server with multiple levels of data protection.

IT professionals are constantly striving to effectively optimize storage utilization while simplifying the administrative process. With improved performance, the EliteNAS Xeon series is better at fulfilling this demand by creating centralized network storage solutions. The EN104L+(B)XE utilizes a server-level Dual Core Xeon 1.86GHz CPU with 2MB of cache and built-in 2GB DDR-2 memory, allowing over 100MB/s of performance over a single network connection. A faster processing speed allows the smooth integration of features such as Folder Replication and Snapshot, making the EN104L+(B)XE a true consolidated server with everything built-in. The upgraded performance also allows faster upload and download speeds from both direct and remote computers. It allows the NAS unit to fully utilize the maximum network bandwidth for rapid data backup.

In addition to the Xeon CPU, the EN104L+(B)XE supports up to RAID 6 for maximum data protection. With built-in dual Gigabit Network connection, the EN104L+(B)XE provides fault tolerance where if one connection fails the other could take over. The dual connection could further increase performance by balancing data transmission between two network interface cards instead of one. The EN104L+(B)XE is capable of performing Thin Provisioning where blocks are allocated real time, driving capacity utilization up to 100%. It is built with environmental friendly 80 PLUS power supply to increase power efficiency and reduce unnecessary power overhead. “The costs of fulfilling ever expanding storage needs are significant,” said Grandy Chen, Sans Digital President. “With the various built-in features and upgraded CPU, the EN104L+ is able to lower the overall hardware and management costs by fully utilizing every aspect of the storage source.” For more information on the EliteNAS Xeon series, please visit: EN104L+XE.

About Sans Digital
Sans Digital is a brand of high capacity, multi-functional advanced storage products. Sans Digital offers hot-swappable JBOD and RAID products for direct attached storage, network attached storage, and storage area network. Sans Digital’s single unit towers are designed with mobility in mind to be used in a personal and home environment, while its rackmounts are widely popular in enterprise settings. Sans Digital is a storage solutions provider to consumers, businesses and institutions across the world.
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