Behind the Scenes: TuneUp Program Deactivator - puts programs to sleep to enhance optimisation
Each program installed on a PC, from the simple office application to more comprehensive software, uses up valuable power. Computer users don't have the option of uninstalling the software, because it will stop them from being able to use it. TuneUp Utilities 2011 features an innovative solution to the problem, allowing programs to be disabled instead of uninstalling them entirely. The new TuneUp Program Deactivator with Programs-on-Demand Technology allows users to turn off applications to significantly reduce the load on their PCs. It ensures that all services, start-up entries, background processes and scheduled tasks of disabled programs remain inactive until needed again, offering a true performance boost.
Too many installed programs often slow down the computer: startup takes forever, and the application launch is an ordeal. These performance killers can be startup items or services running in the background that are constantly searching for programs that could be needed at some time during operation. In addition, maintenance and update tasks for non-critical programs slow down the speed.
Thanks to the new TuneUp Program Deactivator, PC users will finally be able to counteract against these delays, without removing the program completely. The new module analyses how much power is utilised for installed programmes and displays them in an overview. With just a click of the mouse, a program can be disabled and then reactivated from the startup menu when required again. This is especially useful for programs that are rarely used but constantly make use of computer resources. Thus, programs can be put into a 'deep sleep', but can be easily reactivated by simply double-clicking on the desktop icon. Deactivation of the applications optimises the speed of the system significantly. The PC can utilise the power reserves acquired from the disabled programs, resulting in a speedy startup and shutdown process.
Tibor Schiemann, Managing Director of TuneUp, commented, "TuneUp developed Programs-on-Demand technology following an experiment, testing how much a typical PC suffers under the load of having 200 applications installed on it. The result was an IT catastrophe, the boot time took over seven minutes, and the performance of the PC was comparable to a vintage machine from over a decade ago."
The TuneUp blog offers an exclusive insight into the development of the TuneUp Program Deactivator, visit it here
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