Blue Horizon by riekmaharg2

Written by Antony Leather

April 10, 2012 | 07:23

Tags: #best-case-mod #best-pc-mod #mod-of-the-year #scratchbuild #scratchbuilt-pc #watercooled-case-mod

Companies: #bit-tech

Coolant pump

In order to improve on the nasty looking block of black plastic that is the DCC Laing pump, I decided to make my own coolant pump housing which hides the pump and has a reservoir all in one unit. After some designing I decided to make the pump as follows. The pump first started out as large block of aluminium. I then put it into the lathe, and trimmed down the sides, hollowing out the middle for the pump to sit into:

Click to enlarge

I then had to hand saw the end section off as I didn’t have a lathe parting tool large enough. Once I separated the two sections, I then hollowed out some of the opposite side:

Click to enlarge

The milling machine was then used to create a channel around the inside edge of the hollowed out section. I then made the top piece in the exact same manner I made the last:

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The pump then finally came together with a piece of clear acrylic tubing in the middle, and some bolts hidden underneath:

Click to enlarge

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