Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson

Written by Antony Leather

October 27, 2011 | 15:05

Tags: #acrylic #air-cooling #best-case-mod #million-dollar-pc #mod-of-the-year

Companies: #bit-tech #dremel

Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson

Project Log: Here
Foreword by Antony Leather

When a former Mod of the Year nominee starts a new project, it's usually a good idea to check out their log regularly for a couple of very good reasons. Not only are they likely to come up with some new and interesting ways of modding, but the end result is likely to be even better than their last project, which, being featured in Mod of the Year, was pretty darn good to start with.

Forum user Waynio is one such modder, and comes riding on the success of his Air Cube scratchbuild that we saw last year. Stealthlow began at the tail end of 2010 and was nominated for Mod of the Month a couple of months later too. Wayne finally finished it just a few weeks ago and has been kind enough to work with to bring you an in-depth walk-through of how the project was made. It's one of the best and unique-looking projects to come out of our forums this year.

*Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson *Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson
Wayne's previous project, Air Cube, was nominated for bit-tech's Mod of the Year competition

Modding Guide by Wayne Wilkinson
Short and sweet is usually the best way to describe things I find, so I'll condense all of what was done over the 10 months and long hours of design and modding into this concise description of my project log. I hope the images are pretty self-explanatory, but I've also added details.

I'm a bit too familiar with going with square cases, so I chose to try something curvy for this project, which would not only look good but would aid in the flow of air from top to bottom.

It's all designed so it can use low power, near-silent fans while keeping a good gaming/media rig running nice and cool. Yes I'm still resisting water cooling for the time being and some of the decorative bits are purely decorative but some would have important functions also.

*Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson Stealthlow by Wayne Wilkinson
Click to enlarge

The original intention was for the case to be made entirely from aluminium and acrylic and to brush it and then get it anodised black at the end, but I couldn't find a local anodiser so I chose to add copper to the materials. I'm glad I did because it looks good. I now have some experience working with the material too - it's not very different from aluminium other than how easily it tarnishes, but I solved that issue along the way.

If I skimp on details and you want to know anything more about the project you can either ask questions at the bottom of this article or look at the full log.
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