Toxicity by Craig Stewart

Written by Antony Leather

March 17, 2011 | 15:53

Tags: #cooler-master-haf #reservoir #rivet #water-cooling

Companies: #bit-tech #dremel

Toxicity by Craig Stewart

Project Log: Here
Foreword by Antony Leather

Narrowly missing out on 2010's Mod of the Year competition, Craig Stewart's classic Cooler Master HAF932 case mod, Toxicity, proved to be extremely popular in our project log forum. Craig, who calls himself Craigr1982 on our forums, started the project in May last year. It's a classic rather than revolutionary case mod, but what really impressed us is the amount of superb documentation he included in his project log. The 720p videos especially were very useful to new modders.

Click to enlarge

Of course, the end result is pretty good too, with black and luminous green always going well together in this corner of the PC industry.

Craig has been kind enough to provide a commentary for his videos, so if you're keen to see how he's completed certain aspects of Toxicity, such as the custom-made reservoir or getting the paint into the deepest, darkest corners of the case - the next few pages should prove very interesting reading.

It's the first time we've included so many videos in a project log, so feel free to let us know what you think in the forum. Now, it's over to Craig.

Project Log by Craig Stewart

I'm Craigr1982 aka Craig Stewart and Toxicity is my latest worklog. I've been into PC's and modding for years and I've built two PC's from scratch, Monolith (right) and Redemption (below), which were mostly made from acrylic.

Toxicity is a case mod based on a Cooler Master HAF932, which is made of steel - so, it was a really steep learning curve for me. It was built to replace Monolith, which I was using as my main PC and was starting to look a little dated.

I've read many worklogs in my time and enjoyed looking at the photos, but with videos being made everyday and uploaded onto Youtube, I decided to incorporate them into my worklog. In the end, I took this to the extreme somewhat, and make the entire worklog a running video commentary, with videos added in each update, along with photos. This means that you can actually see how something was done, rather than reading about it and seeing the final result, as is usually the case with photos.

Of course, it also meant a lot of time was taken up editing the videos (especially as it's all recorded at 1080p) - so much so that at times I felt I'd spent more time editing the video than actually modding.

When I started this project the first thing I did was boot up Google Sketchup and start designing how Toxicity would look, creating the concepts below. After that, the real work started!

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