Modding really is... a piece of cake::
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Possibly one of the most truly outstanding case mods I’ve ever seen was this cake – if it’s not the best, it’s certainly right up there with the likes of WMD, Orac³, MacroBlack, Dark Blade and Sangaku. Yes, there is apparently a PC inside that cake.
Dubbed ‘Fake Cake’ by its creator, we’d say it’s more surreal than fake. The first thing that came into my mind when I saw it was a three letter acronym beginning with W and ending in F. There’s a T in the middle somewhere, too...
Quite simply, both Rich and I were shocked into amazement when we saw this little beauty. We’re not sure what hardware is inside it, but that’s not really what counts and doesn’t make it any less finger-licking good. Ok, I’ll try and keep the puns out and let the mods do the talking – that one was pretty tasteless. (
Groan – Ed.)
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After feasting our eyes on the
case cake mod, we moved onto something that looked like a giant Mech warrior belonging to some far-fetched sci-fi movie. It comes with giant frikken lasers on the sides, too. The paint job uses a very similar effect to what the one used on Butterkneter’s two modding marvels on the previous page.
While we don’t like the sheer size of the thing (mind you, that’s down to personal preference), you can’t fault the guy for executing a theme incredibly well. The finish is as good as we saw on any of the other cases on display and as for the giant lasers... they’re just damn cool.
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Continuing on with the sci-fi theme, we ended up stranded in Area 52 – be careful, they’re watching us! To highlight that fact even more, this mod comes complete with a small satellite dish on the top. The attention to detail on this mod was simply awesome and the execution was at least an equal. The painting effect is again similar to what we’ve already looked at here, but this had some great touches that made it really stand out.
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