CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez

Written by Tim Smalley

March 14, 2007 | 12:38

Tags: #blue #cm #cooler #cutting #green #led #leds #master #metallic #project #stacker #steel #uv #worklog

Companies: #dremel #mod

Musketeer Modding

CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding

The CoolerMaster Musketeer was dismantled, revealing a sad metal casing and an unattractive brown PCB.

CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding
Then it was callously, subsequently butchered! Muwhahahaha!!

CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding
The existing switch levers weren't long enough, so holes were drilled in the ends and then tapped in preparation for the addition of longer levers.

CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding
The optical audio connectors were de-soldered from the board. This was a tricky process, requiring some fine solder work and a very small iron point.

CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding
The cabling was then sleeved to improve the aesthetics, as it would be visible from the outside. Things have to look good, right?

CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding
CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding CM Stacker Mod by Ediejo and Snakez Musketeer Modding
The extended levers worked out to be a perfect length, and the blue glow complements the surrounding green light and blue paint job.
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