Macro Black Logo: put your name in lights
The "Macro Black" logo has attracted a lot of attention with many people asking
"how was it done?". The time to reveal all is now...
The logo was printed on to transparency using a black background with the text left clear. Chrome tint was then applied to the back of the transparency. (If you remember the tint is sticky on one side).
The logo was cut out and clear sticky tape stuck over the front. The sticky tape adds a deep gloss to the label and also makes the black ink appear much "blacker". This will help to blend the label in to the front facia of the PC case. A quick note about the sticky tape used, I prefer the
Sellotape" brand "Diamond Ultra Clear". This is very high quality tape which is completely clear and guaranteed not to yellow with age.
After trimming the excess tape we are left with the finished gloss black and chrome label ready for use.
If you remember, an area of the front facia was masked and left unpainted for the logo label. The label was affixed behind the facia using the sticky tape. The front of the case body was also left with a clear area to allow backlighting of the logo.
A diffuser for the backlighting was made from a piece of Acrylic and both sides sprayed with the
window etch. The diffuser was super glued in place.

Four white LEDs were used for the backlighting. They were mounted on a small piece of stripboard and wired as two series pairs fed from the +12V supply. Click the picture to see the circuit diagram.
The LEDs I used were Nichia NSPW510BS. Suitable parts can be obtained from
Rapid Electronics part No. 55-1542 for the LEDs and 62-2058 for the resistors. (Per 100), or
Maplin part No. NR73Q for the LEDs and M150R for the resistors. The clear plastic trough was part of a sweet wrapper and is used to mount the circuit board behind the case front panel.
The trough was cut down and lined with chrome tint, then four 5mm holes were drilled in the bottom to accommodate the LEDs. The LEDs were pushed through the holes from behind. The LEDs were an interference fit in the holes so no further securing was needed.
This next picture should explain things better. The plastic trough was super glued in place behind the front panel. The masking tape in the picture is just to hold the whole thing in place until the glue cures.
This case is not easy to photograph due to its extremely high gloss but hopefully these pictures will give you an idea of how the logo looks when the PC is powered down. Here the effect is silver text on a black background.
When powered up the text glows white.
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