The End of the Beginning...

So ends Part 1 of the Orac³ project. Further articles in this series will follow along from the Updates to the project posted in the Project Logs section of the bit-tech Forums - At the time of writing this the first update has been posted. I will be continuing the same themes throughout the remainder of the project and future updates will be less detailed than the original project thread as I'll be saving most of the 'how-I-did-it' for these articles. The next article will cover the first few updates, but here is a sneak preview (courtesy of Update 1):

Orac³ Part 1 The End of the Beginning... Orac³ Part 1 The End of the Beginning...
Orac³ Part 1 The End of the Beginning... Orac³ Part 1 The End of the Beginning...

Click to proceed to Orac³ Part II.
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