Aqua PCs XSPC Thor

Written by Wil Harris

December 20, 2006 | 12:25

Tags: #343 #case #thor #xspc

Companies: #aqua-pc #cube #lian-li


We decided to get stuck in and chronicle our experiences setting up the Thor with our own system.

Before we could begin to install the motherboard in the case, we hade to attach the mounting screws for the CPU block. On an LGA 775 system, this means for big screws through the bottom of the board, with a sandwich of screwhead - plastic washer - motherboard - plastic washer - nut.

Actually attaching the waterblock is a pretty simple job - slot the mounting bracket over the screws through the right holes, then use a spring and a securing nut tightened to an appropriate amount.

We pulled out the drive bay and started to fill up the system, aware of the fact we'd actually have to run it for a bit before we could bleed out all the air. We found that filling the reservoir, running the pump and then topping up the pump was a good way to get the air out without actually having to remove the system from the case and hold the tubes at all sorts of bizarre angles. We did, however, remove the waterblock from the CPU for a quick period to hold it above the radiator.
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