Gaming Performance
All this media malarkey and extra-special keyboard stuff is all very well and good of course, but the main thing that a gaming laptop is designed to do is…I dunno, photoshop?
Oh no, it was gaming, that was it.
Gaming is where we naturally expect the Asus G70 laptop to excel, seeing as how that is what the system was pretty much designed to do from the outset. Thus, it’s the first and most important set of tests we run on the system. Also, it’s the most fun way that you can legally test a laptop without a length of rubber piping, some epoxy resin and a government warrant. Oh, Ethernet ports.
Still, sitting down and just playing a game isn’t enough to really give you an idea of how this system will perform. You have to have a
method. This is ours…
We test every gaming laptop with three different games, carefully chosen to showcase the latest in gaming technologies. These games are also ones we expect that current hardcore gamers will be interested in, making them immediately as well as comparably relevant to prospective customers. If you’re planning on using a gaming laptop then the chances are that you’ll be thinking of playing at least one of these games.

Our tests don’t use arbitrary benchmarks or reams and reams of maximum framerates either; we use a real-world, best playable settings method. This basically means we play the game, in it’s latest version, and try to find the highest settings we can put the game on at the native resolution before the game starts to suffer from framerates and tearing that detract from the experience. We’re looking for a smooth gaming experience.
The games we use are
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and
World in Conflict. If you’re interested in what these games look like on the settings that we refer to in this review then you need look no further than our review of the games themselves, which include extensive graphical analysis.
Again, these games are carefully chosen to test the system in certain ways. While
Crysis will obviously tax the graphics cards to the limit and provide a really high-end test,
World in Conflict meanwhile can be quite intensive on the processor thanks to the sheer number of units on screen and massive amount of physics.
Call of Duty 4 on the other hand offers a very scalable engine and a result which should offer guidance to any of the millions of
Cod4 players.
Asus G70 |
'Best playable' settings at native resolution |
Game | Resolution | AA | AF | Details |
Crysis | 1,440 x 900 | 0x | 0x | Low shadows, shaders and post-processing. Medium Effects. No motion blur. |
Call of Duty 4 | 1,440 x 900 | 4x | 16x | Maximum detail |
World in Conflict | 1,440 x 900 | 0x | 0x | DirectX 9, Medium Detail |
It’s also worth mentioning, what with the fact that the G70 has a bunch of different performance settings (Battery Saving, High Performance, Entertainment) available to it, we made sure that we were using the High Performance profile for these tests. This should ensure we get the most out of the system, though
In the chart before you are the results that we found these games were best to play with on the Asus G70 laptop. We advise you look closely and then compare them to the results for the previously mentioned
Kobalt Comanche SLI laptop. Careful eyes will note that the results for the
Crysis and
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare tests are exactly the same, despite the arguably lesser hardware of the G70.
The reason for this? Probably the fact that the Asus G70 has a lower resolution than the Kobaly Comanche SLI, which means the hardware effectively doesn’t have to try so hard to do all that work. It isn’t the best reason in the world, but it’s the only one we’ve got. The good news is that while the resolution is lower than might be offered by some competitors, it isn’t all that bad when you actually get in game and things like
Crysis are perfectly playable for the most part.
In the end then, the gaming capacity of the Asus G70 is pretty impressive and the screen, while admittedly a little glossy, isn’t enough to seriously detract from the game experience. The fact that the touchpad can be disabled with the flick of a button also means that if you are ever forced to game on the G70 using the in-built keyboard then at least you won’t keep mistakenly shifting your aim as you brush the pad with your wrist which is a big win.
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