Project KOS-MOS

Written by Bill Ryder

September 23, 2005 | 13:21

Tags: #aluminium #braid #ccfl #engrave #engraving #inverter #led-fan #mill #paint #project-kos-mos #ps2 #rpg #vinyl

Companies: #koolance #namco

Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box

Inverter Box

Continuing with the lighting, I installed the the CCFLs in their places and was planning on hiding the inverters in the small rack where the FDD would go. Even though the invertors were somewhat hidden, I wasn't too happy that they were exposed and visible from a certain angle.

Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box
While cruising through Maplins I found this awesome little aluminium box that I could use to hide them in.

Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box
I started cutting out the hole so that the wires can pass into it. Unfortunately, I slipped with the Dremel and took a chunk out of one side of it.

Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box
Attacking the other side with a little more caution I managed to cut enough out for me to start filing away and get it to a nice square rounded hole. I then wired the invertors up and installed them.

Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box Project KOS-MOS Inverter Box
Here is the final result, all installed. I'm more than happy with how it turned out.
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