Phobya ZuperZero UV Red
Manufacturer: Phobya 
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UK price (as reviewed): £9.07 (inc VAT)
US price (as reviewed): $12.34 (ex TAX)
Phobya has all kinds of cooling and modding gear available, and the company also has its own range of coolants. Phobya ZuperZero UV Red is the second most expensive coolant on test but still retails for less than £10.
It looks more of a pinky colour than red - certainly less scarlet-looking than the Mayhems Pre-Mix X1 UV Red. Under UV light, though, it had a definite glow which was a little better than that of the PC Ice coolant, while there were no issues to report in our flow rate and thermal performance testing.
As with the other coolants on test, it's cheap enough, although we'd only suggest buying it if you're intending it to be UV-illuminated. As a red coolant, it might land you in hot water if pink makes you blush.

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PrimoChill ICE UV Pink
Manufacturer: PrimoChill
UK price (as reviewed): £11.79 (inc VAT)
US price (as reviewed): N/A
Primochill has been on the water-cooling scene for a while, and its ICE coolant has been doing the rounds for nearly as long. This particular coolant is its UV Pink variety - and pink it is, proving that Phobya needs to adjust it's coolant if it doesn't want to lose too many male customers.
At £11.79, the PrimoChill ICE UV Pink is the most expensive coolant on test, but sadly, it didn't seem to offer anything over and above the other coolants on test. It looked okay in daylight, but wasn't quite as vivid as the Phobya coolant under UV light. Its flow rate was a tiny bit better than the norm with our Laing D5 at its medium speed setting, but the PrimoChill ICE UV Pink was also the warmest coolant on test, performing the same as deionised water, although this was only a couple of degrees off the best performer so no great loss.
Promichill advertise the ICE UV Pink as non-conductive, but this simply won't stand the test of time as all water-based coolants will become slightly conductive after mixing with air and metals in your loop. As such, there's little to recommend the PrimoChill ICE UV Pink over the competition.
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