Bloggers prompt WTF change

October 2, 2009 | 10:04

Tags: #blog #blogger #bloggers #blogging

Companies: #tourism-federation-of-wisconsin

Sometimes it's hard to imagine the hordes of bloggers that infest the Internet truly making a difference in the world, but there is proof that it does happen: just ask the Wisconsin Tourism Federation.

The Federation is responsible for encouraging tourism to Wisconsin, and was founded thirty years ago with a perfectly sensible name. Unfortunately, between now and then a little thing called the Internet became ever-so-slightly popular, and several memes were called into being. It's one of these memes that has prompted the Federation to change its name after all these years to the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin.

Why? It's the TLAs. As pointed out by CNet, the group's original name spelt out WTF - a well known Internet meme displaying disbelief in particularly strong terms, and a coincidence that did not go without notice across the 'net. Having had fun poked at them for years - culminating with an entry on Your Logo Makes Me Barf earlier this year - the Federation has had enough, and has chosen to switch to the less coincidental TFW name.

The Federation's spokesperson Julia Hertel stated that the change was simply because the group doesn't want something as silly as a name to "detract from our mission."

With this success under the blogosphere's collective belt, it's probably a good time to remind bloggers everywhere that not all change is good: while the WTF (or, more accurately, TFW) renaming is fine and dandy, recall the plight of Jessica Zenner who back in 2007 was fired from her job at Nintendo for comments posted to her personal blog - despite posting under a pseudonym.

Do you think that the TFW shouldn't have caved to the whims of bloggers and other Internet comedians, or does its new name project a more refined image in this digital age? Share your thoughts over in the forums.
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