Croteam announces Serious Sam 3

Written by Joe Martin

May 15, 2007 | 11:51

Tags: #1 #2 #3 #coop #co-op #croatia #duke-nukem #episodic #kotaku #military #new #rumour #sam #serious #serious-sam

Companies: #3d-realms #croteam #game

Remember Serious Sam? The Duke Nukem-alike with the 7 foot long minigun and a passion for using the word 'serious' at every possible chance?

Well according to Kotaku, he's back.

Croation developer, Croteam, has just announced it is working on a new addition to the popular arcade style shooter series which has its tongue firmly embedded in its cheek. There's no release date specified yet for Serious Sam 3, which is confusingly the fourth game in the series because the first two games are considered episodes of a single, larger game despite each of them being the length of a 'standard' game.

The Serious Sam games were the first major release for Croteam and became firm favourites at LAN parties for their frantic co-op action, which uses over the top bad-guys, massive bosses and endurance shattering arena battles. The game was also admired for hilarious secrets and frequent pop-culture references, much like 3D Realm's Duke Nukem 3D.

It's unclear what we can expect in the next Serious Sam game, but miniguns and mayhem will probably feature prominently as Sam closes in on his arch-nemesis, the alien warlord, Mental.

Croteam has also confirmed, via the May issue of the Croatian games magazine GamePlay, that it's planning a new game which will be detached from the Serious Sam franchise. Again, details are thin on the ground but we know it'll be a tactical military simulation set in the present day.

Can't ever get enough of those.

Want to boast about the time you finished Serious Sam on Mental difficulty, or set up a co-op match to celebrate? Hit the forums and let us know what you think of Croteam's news. Seriously.
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