Shattered Horizon dated for release

Written by Joe Martin

October 27, 2009 | 13:51

Tags: #fps #moon #shooter #space

Companies: #futuremark

Well, this is faster than we expected. Though we reported earlier, based on conversations at GamesCom, that Futuremark's low-gravity multiplayer FPS Shattered Horizon would likely see a December release if the recently closed beta went well, it seems that things went so smoothly that the release date has been moved up. To next week.

Shattered Horizon is now, according to a press release issued by the developer this morning, set for a release on November 4th. The game will be launched as a digital purchase only through either Steam or the official Shattered Horizon website.

The game is being released for €19.95 / $19.95 / £14.95, depending on territory - which is pretty reasonable for a multiplayer-only FPS, if you ask us.

The official site is now accepting pre-orders naturally, offering a 10 percent discount to those who book their copies now and a full 25 percent off to anybody who participated in the recently closed beta. As an incentive, anybody who pre-orders the game now will be invited to help test new level packs before they are released as free DLC at a later date.

Shattered Horizon was one of the games which impressed us most when we took a look at it at GamesCom earlier this year, both in terms of the uniqueness of the design and the considered art-style. It's impressive technologically too - one of the first games to require a DX10 GPU under Windows Vista or Windows 7.

That said, after some more extended playtime with the game we did feel that Futuremark was missing a trick by not developing a singleplayer facet to the game - but at least that is reflected in the price.

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