Huawei trials 1.2Gb/s LTE

March 24, 2010 | 10:01

Tags: #broadband #long-term-evolution #lte #mobile-broadband

Companies: #huawei

Mobile networking specialist Huawei has demonstrated its next Long Term Evolution (LTE) networking technology, which has successfully reached speeds of 1.2Gb/s.

As reported over on GigaOM, the LTE technology - designed initially for connecting computing devices via dedicated modems, but eventually planned for integration directly into smartphones - reached the impressive speeds during tests carried out by the company this week.

The 1.2Gb/s speed - which, it is worth remembering, was during ideal conditions with no contention on the network - would allow the contents of an entire dual-layer DVD to be transferred in just over one minute.

While extremely impressive for a wireless broadband system to reach such speeds - several times faster than your average wired broadband, in fact - the technology is only a trail for now, with Huawei unable to provide details on when - or even if - its LTE system will hit the mainstream.

Even once the technology is finalised and mobile networks start buying the equipment needed to support it, actual speeds achievable on a congested cell are likely to be several times lower than those in the trial.

Despite these caveats, the end of slow browsing on your mobile is likely at an end - if not now, then within the next few years.

Are you impressed at the leaps and bounds LTE technology is taking, or will you only be convinced when you can buy a smartphone which can download at the kinds of speeds these trials talk about? Share your thoughts over in the forums.
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